
Показано дописи з травень, 2024

Додатки до конкурсної роботи "Формування і розвиток критичного мислення в умовах інформаційного середовища на уроках англійської мови"

 Додаток 1 «Лист письменнику» ( «Запитаймо в автора») From Sonya, Hello, I am writing this so that you can understand how you can improve your story. There are a couple of things I didn't like. First of all, I don't like the characters. Their thoughts are different from their actions. They think badly and do even worse. Secondly, there are too many identical moments in the plot. First they do something and after a while it repeats. Because of this, the story becomes predictable and uninteresting. Because of this, the impression of history becomes worse. Thirdly, there have been thousands of mistakes in history. It looks as if you didn't read the text again after writing it. Next time, pay more attention to this. I'm sure this will help you make the story better. I didn’t mean to offend you with this, honestly, this is purely my opinion. Thanks for your attention, bye. To dear Author. Лист письменнику: I`d like to write about the book series “A Court of Thorns an...